- 8CH1A - Third hour prayer (10 kB)
- 8CH1B - Agpia (548 kB)
- 8CH2A - Liturgy of Catechumen (150 kB)
- 8CH2B - Liturgy of Catechumens (625 kB)
- 8CH2C - History of The Liturgy (231 kB)
- 8CH2F - Liturgy of Catechumen (2 MB)
- 8CH3A - Liturgy of Believers (54 kB)
- 8CH3B - History of The Liturgy (138 kB)
- 8CH3C - The Liturgy of the Catechumens (158 kB)
- 8CH3D - Liturgy of Catechumen (2 MB)
- 8CH3F - How to Benefit from the Holy Liturgy (2 MB)
- 8CH3H - The Liturgy of the Believers (168 kB)
- 8CH4A - Acceptable Confession (177 kB)
- 8CH4B - Acceptable confession (464 kB)
- 8CH4C - Acceptable Confession (216 kB)
- 8CH4D - Confession Guide (202 kB)
- 8CH5B - Does God Exist (1010 kB)
- 8FE1A - Passion Week (147 kB)
- 8FE1B - Passion Week Images and labels (524 kB)
- 8FE1C - Passion Week (990 kB)
- 8FE2A - The appearances of the resurrected Lord (135 kB)
- 8FE2B - The Risen Lord (997 kB)
- 8FE2D -Resurrection (153 kB)
- 8FE2E - Proofs of the Resurrection (4 MB)
- 8FE3A - The establishment of the church of Alexandria (67 kB)
- 8FE3B - Establishment of the Coptic Church (175 kB)
- 8FE4A - St.Paul-his ministry and martyrdom (265 kB)
- 8FE4B - A Summary of the life of Saint Paul (389 kB)
- 8FE4C - Summary of the life of Saint Paul (217 kB)
- 8FE5A - Martyrs of Purity (61 kB)
- 8NT1A - An introduction to the gospel according to St.Matthew (307 kB)
- 8NT1B - An introduction to the gospel according to St.Matthew (2 MB)
- 8NT2A - The beatitudes (51 kB)
- 8NT2B - Beatitudes (2 MB)
- 8NT2C -The Beatitudes (248 kB)
- 8NT2D - The Beatitudes (2 MB)
- 8NT3A-Jesus completed the 10 commandments (50 kB)
- 8NT3B - Jesus completed the 10 commandments (209 kB)
- 8NT3G-Jesus completed the 10 commandments (416 kB)
- 8NT4 - The Lords Prayer (8 kB)
- 8NT4B - The Lords Prayer (704 kB)
- 8NT5A - The Journey of the Lent (80 kB)
- 8NT5B - The journey of Lent (357 kB)
- 8NT5C - Journey Through Lent - Back to Basics (63 kB)
- 8NT5D - A Journey Through Lent (2 MB)
- 8NT6A - Jesus truimph in the wilderness (238 kB)
- 8NT6C - Jesus Triumph in the wilderness (Matt (2 MB)
- 8NT7A - The lost son (204 kB)
- 8NT7B - The Lost Son Lesson (411 kB)
- 8NT7C - Five Back to Basics (221 kB)
- 8NT8A - The Samaritan woman (10 kB)
- 8NT8B - 5 Back to Basic Facts (204 kB)
- 8NT8C - The Samaritan woman lesson (193 kB)
- 8NT9A - The Paralytic of 38 years (122 kB)
- 8NT9B - The Paralytic by the pool (2 MB)
- 8NT10A - The Man born blind (94 kB)
- 8NT10B - Healing of the Man Born Blind (287 kB)
- 8OT1A - Moses life in Egypt and wilderness (65 kB)
- 8OT2A - Moses the leader of Exodus (109 kB)
- 8OT2B - EXODUS (894 kB)
- 8OT2C - moses-and-the-exodus (747 kB)
- 8OT2D - Exodus (3 MB)
- 8OT2E - Moses (4 MB)
- 8OT3A - The Passover Lamb & Jesus (181 kB)
- 8OT3B - Jesus is our Passover Lamb (155 kB)
- 8OT3C- The Passover Lamb (209 kB)
- 8OT3D - The Passover Lamb and Jesus (5 MB)
- 8OT4A - Crossing the Red sea &baptism and the 1st Hose (81 kB)
- 8OT4B - The Orthodox Belief Concerning The Baptism (945 kB)
- 8OT5A - The Ten Commandments (104 kB)
- 8OT5B - Tencomv1 (537 kB)
- 8OT5C - Tencomv2 (490 kB)
- 8OT5D - Tencomv3 (479 kB)
- 8OT5E - Tencomv4 (582 kB)
- 8OT7A - Tabernacle and the Church (156 kB)
- 8OT7B - The Tabernacle and the Church (6 MB)
- 8OT8A - The priesthood of Aaron& that of Melchizedek (178 kB)
- 8OT8B - The sacrament of priesthood (222 kB)
- 8OT8C -The Priesthood (112 kB)
- 8OT8D - PRIESTHOOD (833 kB)
- 8OT8E -Ranks of Priesthood (425 kB)
- 8OT8F - Priesthood of Aaron (130 kB)
- 8OT9A - Thedevilish advice of Balaam (159 kB)
- 8OT9B - The Devilish advise of Balaam (222 kB)
- 8OT9C - BAAL (297 kB)
- 8OT9D - Story Of Balaam (284 kB)
- 8OT9E - Balaam (3 MB)
- 8OT10B - Leviticus_Bible_Briefing (818 kB)
- 8OT10C - Leviticus (2 MB)
- 8OT10D - Books of Moses (Leviticus) (420 kB)
- 8SA1B - St Macarius the Great (21 kB)
- 8SA2B - St Peter - Seal of Martyrs (56 kB)
- 8SA2C - Pope Peter Seal of Martyrs (2 MB)
- 8SA5A - St. Bishoy (65 kB)
- 8SA6A - St. John the Baptist (68 kB)
- 8SA7B - Intercession of the Saints (7 MB)
- 8SO1A - The changes in our bodies (116 kB)
- 8SO1B - Changes in your body (284 kB)
- 8SO1C - Changes in your body (220 kB)
- 8SO2A - Drugs and Alcohol (172 kB)
- 8SO2B - Drugs and Alcohol (232 kB)
- 8SO3B - Music (2 MB)
- 8SO4B - Romance and love (575 kB)
- 8SO4C - What is Love (390 kB)
- 8SO4D - Romance Love Other Resouces (80 kB)
- 8SO6A - Internet and social networks (99 kB)
- 8SO6B - Internet (265 kB)
- 8SO6C - Sins Of The Tongue (2 MB)
- 8SO7A Parents - Teens Communications (154 kB)
- 8SO7B - Christian teens-parents relationship (402 kB)
- 8SP1B - NATIVITY2 (195 kB)
- 8SP1C - NATIVITY (67 kB)
- 8SP1D - The Nativity of our LORD (580 kB)
- 8SP2B - Repentance - this one (2 MB)
- 8SP2C - sacrament15 (38 kB)
- 8SP2D - sacrament16 (42 kB)
- 8SP2E - Self_Exam_Repentance (18 kB)
- 8SP2F - Repentance Topic (261 kB)
- 8SP2G - St Eprem - repentance (51 kB)
- 8SP2H - CommandsOfChrist-Repent (139 kB)
- 8SP3A - The Aim of My Life (88 kB)
- 8SP5A - The Prayer Room (162 kB)
- 8SP5B - Prayer Room (489 kB)
- 8SP6A - Watch your mouth (159 kB)
- 8SP6B - Tongue (3 MB)