- 9SA2A - Anba Abraam (109 kB)
- 9SA2B - Anba ABRAAM (29 kB)
- 9SA2C - Anba Abraam (114 kB)
- 9SA2D - Anba Abraam (196 kB)
- 9SA2E - Anba Abram (647 kB)
- 9SA3A - The Heroes of Martyrdom - St. Mena (192 kB)
- 9SA3B - Saint Mina (955 kB)
- 9SA3C - Saint Mina (300 kB)
- 9SA5 - Christianity all over the world (107 kB)
- 9SA5B - The History Of The Christian Church (362 kB)
- 9SO1A - Physical appearance (425 kB)
- 9SO1B - Physical Appearance (240 kB)
- 9SO2B - Drug Addiction (23 kB)
- 9SO2C - Alcohol (150 kB)
- 9SO3 - Holiness and Contemprory Issues -Dating (338 kB)
- 9SO3A - Relating to the opposite sex ,boys (183 kB)
- 9SO3B - Relating to the opposite sex , girls (239 kB)
- 9SO4A - Is listening to music ok (294 kB)
- 9SO4B - Music lesson (298 kB)
- 9SO5A - Simply amazing - Praise Lesson. (285 kB)
- 9SO5B - Praise (555 kB)
- 9SO6A - Social Media risks (3 MB)
- 9SO6B- Social Media (286 kB)
- 9SO7 - Satanism (5 MB)
- 9SO8 - How to Treat Others (281 kB)
- 9SP1 - Alms a command and blessings (87 kB)
- 9SP3 - Worshiping and metanias (254 kB)
- 9SP4 - Jesus is my Peace (178 kB)
- 9SP4A - PEACE_bookmark and verses (86 kB)
- 9SP4C - Jesus is my peace (562 kB)
- 9SP6A - Sins of Tongue (229 kB)
- 9SP7B - Discipleship (837 kB)
- 9sp1A - Poverty GivingFinal (392 kB)
- 9CH3D - Sacrament of Eucharist (226 kB)
- 9CH4A - Concept of the feasts on the church (2 MB)
- 9CH4B - Concepts of Feasts in Coptic church (2 MB)
- 9CH5 - The creed Part 1 (92 kB)
- 9CH5A - Explanation of the Orthodox Creed (116 kB)
- 9CH6 - The Creed Part 2 (73 kB)
- 9CH6A - Explanation of the Orthodox Creed (116 kB)
- 9CH6B - Nicene Creed prwpt (7 MB)
- 9CH7A - Creation Vs. evolution (225 kB)
- 9CH7B - Creation Vs. evolution (47 kB)
- 9CH7C - Creation Vs. evolution (16 kB)
- 9FE1 -The prophesies of the OT about Jesus (299 kB)
- 9FE1B - The fall of Man (2 MB)
- 9FE2 - The events of the great Thursday (448 kB)
- 9FE2A - The events of Holy Thursday (264 kB)
- 9FE2B - covenant thursday (1012 kB)
- 9FE2C - The events ofHolyThursday (264 kB)
- 9FE3 - The Holy Spirit and the Sacraments (232 kB)
- 9FE3A - The Holy Spirit and the Sacraments (318 kB)
- 9FE4D - St Peter (2 MB)
- 9FE5 - St. Mary in the OT (293 kB)
- 9FE5B - ST MARY THE VIRGIN 1 (819 kB)
- 9FE6 - The Feasts of the cross (87 kB)
- 9FE6A - Cross in the Church - Lesson Plan (190 kB)
- 9FE6B - Physical appearance (95 kB)
- 9NT10&11 St. James epistle aims and outcomes (171 kB)
- 9NT10&11C - St James Epistle - lesson activties (179 kB)
- 9NT10-11D - St James slides (582 kB)
- 9NT10A - An introduction to St. James epistle (93 kB)
- 9NT10B - Detailed description of the epistle of Saint James (252 kB)
- 9NT10B - The Epistle of St James (185 kB)
- 9NT11 - St. James epistle and its main themes (2) (94 kB)
- 9NT11A - St James Epistle and the main themes(2) (63 kB)
- 9NT11B - The Epistle of Saint James (185 kB)
- 9NT1A - An introduction to the gospel according to St. Luke (196 kB)
- 9NT1C - An introduction to the gospel according to St. Luke (736 kB)
- 9NT2 - The Lord accepting the sinners and the parables related (459 kB)
- 9NT3 - The Lord is our teacher and example of prayer (233 kB)
- 9NT3A - The Lord is our teacher and example of prayer[1] (601 kB)
- 9NT4A - The Lord is our teacher and example of being merciful (573 kB)
- 9NT4B - Pope Shenouda. Mercy (85 kB)
- 9NT5 - The Parables About the Importance to be Ready (92 kB)
- 9NT5A - Parables About the Importance to be Ready (2 MB)
- 9NT6 - The Lord adorn you with talents -invest them (400 kB)
- 9NT7 - The First Epistle of St John (Part 1) (95 kB)
- 9NT7A - The Epistles of St John (64 kB)
- 9NT7A - The First Epistle of St John (part 1) (161 kB)
- 9NT7B - The Epistles of St John (64 kB)
- 9NT8 - The First Epistle of St John (135 kB)
- 9NT9 - The Second and Third Epistles (127 kB)
- 9NT9A - Epistles 2 & 3 of St John (131 kB)
- 9NT9A - The Second and Third Epistles_lesson (173 kB)
- 9NT9B - THE 2nd & 3rd epistles of St John (606 kB)
- 9NT9C - Epistles 2&3 of St John_powerpoint (178 kB)
- 9OT10B - Friendship David with Jonathan (390 kB)
- 9OT11B - Loveyourenemies (3 MB)
- 9OT12 - David's sin and Repentance (210 kB)
- 9OT12A - David's sin and repentance (198 kB)
- 9OT1A - the book of Joshua-Joshua is the leader who acquired the promised land (47 kB)
- 9OT1B - The Life of Joshua (118 kB)
- 9OT1C - The Book of Joshua (67 kB)
- 9OT1D - Do you wana be a leader (2 MB)
- 9OT2A - Victory in Jericho and defeat at Ai (61 kB)
- 9OT2B - JOSHUA, the Leader to the Promised Land (251 kB)
- 9OT3 - Deborah (186 kB)
- 9OT3A - Intro. to the book of Judges-Deborah is a good example of a leader (55 kB)
- 9OT3C - Deborah the judge (425 kB)
- 9OT4 - Gideon a hero of faith (29 kB)
- 9OT4A - Gideon a hero of faith (69 kB)
- 9OT4C - Gideon (767 kB)
- 9OT5A - Samson and his uncontrolled desire (192 kB)
- 9OT5B - Simpson and his uncontrolled desires (160 kB)
- 9OT6A - The book of Ruth-The reword of faithfulness (159 kB)
- 9OT6B - The Book of Ruth (146 kB)
- 9OT7 - Intro. to 1st. & 2nd. Samuel (202 kB)
- 9OT8 - Samuel the great prophet and the founder of the school of prophets (149 kB)
- 9OT9A - Saul's disobediance (288 kB)
- 9OT9B -Why the Spirit departed king Saul disobediance (241 kB)
- 9SA1A - St. Moses the Black (149 kB)
- 9SA1B - St Moses the black (293 kB)
- 9SA1C - Saint Moses the Black (644 kB)
- 9SA1C - St Moses the black (293 kB)