25.05.2023 | Feast of the Ascension

+ Thursday: Feast of the Ascension | Luke 24:36-53
Reading link: https://bit.ly/3Jh2xBz
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3mSzzAi 

We said that ‘Bethany’ means ‘the house of suffering’ or ‘the house of obedience’. He wished to ascend up to the heavens in Bethany, at the mount of Olives, so that anyone who wishes to exalt his heart to heaven, has to endure the suffering with Him, and share Him His agony. He also has to have the quality of obedience that is the Son’s towards His Father.

What is surprising is that the disciples did not grieve over the Lord’s ascension, and His being physically separated from them. They rather returned to Jerusalem with great joy. They realised that where the Head is, the members will be.

+ Fr Tadros Malaty

Personal Question
How can we ascend with Christ to the Father?