+ Thursday: Amos Chapter 3 +
Reading link: http://bit.ly/3FFRDo8
Audio link: http://bit.ly/3TAAfGO
The sermons in the next few chapters are a call to repentance, exposing a multitude of the sins of the children of Israel.
Contemplation On verse 6:
“By this, the Lord proclaims that He allows for the trial for the sake of chastisement. These words do not mean that God is the source of evil; as the word ‘evil’ is used in two ways: it may mean evil by nature which is contrary to virtue, and is against the will of God; or may mean what, according to our senses, we consider evil, because it may cause us sorrow and anguish; although it may actually be a sign of salvation, whose source, according to the Holy Book, is God Himself”
+ Fr Tadros Malaty, St John Chrysostom & Father John of Damascus
Personal Question
What do we understand about chastisement? Do we view trials as times of purification and beautiful opportunities to soften our hearts and repent? Or do we complain to God about our circumstances, asking for solutions that we see fit so we can avoid suffering and trials at all cost? How can we shift our perspectives on suffering and trials?