Featured Saint 2/2

St Peter the worshipper

St Peter used to be a cruel, greedy tax collector who was nicknamed ‘the merciless’. One day, a poor man asked him for a little food. Peter took a loaf of bread and hit him to get rid of him. That night, St Peter had a vision as though he was on judgment day before the scales of justice. He saw all his sins and injustices in the left pan of the scale. Then, he saw only a single loaf of bread in the right pan. At that moment, St Peter woke up trembling and transformed his life around. He gave all his possessions away and went to the wilderness to worship God until his departure.

Quote: ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ – Matthew 25:40

Fun fact: It was said that St Peter the worshipper even gave the tunic on his back away after he had his vision.