Pope James, 50th Pope of Alexandria
Abba James was a monk in St Macarius monastery and was chosen to become patriarch after the departure of Pope Mark the 49th Patriarch of Alexandria. St James renovated the church and populated the monasteries. He was granted the gift of performing miracles. One of the deacons in Alexandria dared to say to him rudely, ‘Pay what you owe to the churches, or else go to your monastery.’ The Pope replied to him, ‘You will never see me again from now on.’ The deacon went home, immediately became sick and died shortly after. When he finished his strife, he departed in peace after being on the throne of St Mark for almost 11 years.
8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. (1 Corinthians 12:8-11)
Fun fact:
There was once a lay leader named Macarius from Nabarouh who was very well advanced in years and had no children. After a while, God gave him a son. He made a feast to celebrate this occasion, and invited Abba James. During the celebration, the child died but his father did not panic. He carried the child in his hands and placed him in faith before the Pope, trusting that God would hear His chosen one, and give life to his child. The Pope took the child and made the sign of the cross on his forehead, his heart and his chest, while he prayed, ‘My Master, Jesus Christ, the Giver of Life, raise this child alive again by Your mighty power.’ He breathed in his face, and the soul of the child returned to him, and he gave him to his father.