4/3/2023 | John 7:1-24

+ Saturday: John 7:1-24 +

Reading link: http://bit.ly/3ksv7HN
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3ED7fYL (stop at 3:03)

[verse 17] You ask, ‘what is the meaning of Christ’s words?’ The answer is that He means to say, ‘Remove your doubt, anger, envy, and hatred that originate falsely in you. There is no hindrance that prevents you from knowing that My words are truly God’s words.’
+ Saint John Chrysostom

[verse 18] The characteristic of the impostor or swindler is that he seeks his own glory and talks about himself. This is the characteristic of the antichrists and false prophets. They want to achieve their own will, not God’s will.
+ Fr Tadros Malaty

Personal Question
Everything Christ asks us to do comes from the Father, are there any hindrances I need to remove to accept what He teaches us in the Bible? Hindrances like doubt, anger, envy, hatred, pride, hurt, etc.