Luke 9:10-42

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Contemplation (verse 23-27)
I will be safe if I am not ashamed of my Lord …The Son of Man was crucified, a fact of which I am not ashamed, even if the other people are. The Son of God died; and I believe that in every way.
+ Tertullian

Being ashamed of the Lord Christ and His cross may be by words, as well as by work. For whoever does not carry the features of the Lord Christ, walks by His Spirit, and accepts His passion, would be ashamed of Him and His cross.+ Fr Tadros Malaty

A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying “you are mad, you are not like us”
+ St Anthony the Great

Personal Reflection
Am I ashamed of my faith? That I believe in God? That He died on the cross? That walking in His Way is a path of mercy and meekness?

Bible Knowledge Question
Which part of this chapter is in the ninth hour of the Agpeya? 

Lord, help me not to have doubts, not to listen to the people that think it’s silly and naive to believe in You. Help me to turn to You when I have these thoughts, show me why they’re wrong. Don’t let me be embarrassed of my faith, and the things I need to do to follow You, don’t let me be ashamed. Forgive me, and guide me. Your way is not the world’s way, I know that, but I’m weak, don’t let me be swayed by the world, help me find my strength in You and lean on You.