- 10NT3A -Jesus is the Lamb of God (146 kB)
- 10NT3C - Fulfillment of the Old Testament Sacrifices (164 kB)
- 10NT3D - Jesus the lamb (424 kB)
- 10NT8C - Jesus the giver of the Living Water1 (153 kB)
- 10NT9C - Jesus Light for the World (7 MB)
- 10OT10B - Esther (57 kB)
- 10OT1B - Kings one and two (228 kB)
- 10OT2A - The division of the kingdom after Solomon (137 kB)
- 10OT2B - The division of the Kingdom after Solomon (3 MB)
- 10OT3A - The life of Elijah the mighty prophet (59 kB)
- 10OT3B - Elijah The Prophet Bible Study (2 MB)
- 10OT3C - OT Divided Kingdom (2 MB)
- 10OT4A - The life of Elijah the mighty prophet (80 kB)
- 10OT4B - Elijah (2 MB)
- 10OT5A - The life of Elisha (126 kB)
- 10OT5B - Hezekiah (394 kB)
- 10OT5C - Elisha the prophet (432 kB)
- 10OT6A - King Hezekia and the deliverance of Jerusalem (103 kB)
- 10OT6C - King Hezekia and the deliverance of Jerusalem (41 kB)
- 10OT6D - King Hezekiah (565 kB)
- 10OT7A - The exile of the two kingdoms (91 kB)
- 10OT7B - Better understanding of the OT (233 kB)
- 10OT7C - History of the world (29 kB)
- 10OT8A - The return from exile . the book of Ezra (84 kB)
- 10OT8B - Book of Ezra (206 kB)
- 10OT8C - Ezra (402 kB)
- 10OT8D - Youtube links (5 kB)
- 10OT9A - The book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah and the destroyed walls (163 kB)
- 10OT9B - Book of Nehemiah (257 kB)
- 10OT9C - The book of Nehemiah (665 kB)
- 10OT9D - Nehemiah (709 kB)
- 10SA1A - The Heroes of Faith-St.Athanasius and Nicea council (63 kB)
- 10SA1B - St Athanasius (808 kB)
- 10SA1C - St_Athanasius (107 kB)
- 10SA1D - The Church Ecuminical Councils (175 kB)
- 10SA1E - The life & writings of St. Athanasius (243 kB)
- 10SA1F - St athanasiusn (7 MB)
- 10SA2B - St Mercurius (442 kB)
- 10SA4A - St. Bachom and his monastic system (10 kB)
- 10SA4B - St Pachomius (75 kB)
- 10SA4C - Philip Rousseau, Pachomious the Making of a Community in the Fourth- Century Egypt (911 kB)
- 10SA4D - Pachomius, the Great and Venerable (165 kB)
- 10SA4E - St Bakhom (452 kB)
- 10SA4F - Monasticism and St. Bachomius (3 MB)
- 10SO06D - More talksheets (2 MB)
- 10SO1A - Holiness and Contemporary issues-the Body (61 kB)
- 10SO1B - Holiness and Contemporary Issues - the Body (176 kB)
- 10SO3B - Decision making (86 kB)
- 10SO4A - Loneliness in a very busy world (60 kB)
- 10SO4B - Loneliness in a very busy world (269 kB)
- 10SO4C - Loneliness in a very busy world (380 kB)
- 10SO5B - Holiness and Contemporary issues - music (2 MB)
- 10SO6A - Holiness and Contemporary issues-morals (154 kB)
- 10SO6B - Morality (126 kB)
- 10SO6C - Morality (392 kB)
- 10SO8A - Drugs and Alcohol - Cover Sheet (171 kB)
- 10SO8B - Drugs and Alcohol (135 kB)
- 10SO8D - Drugs and Alcohol (288 kB)
- 10SO8E - Drugs and Alcohol (340 kB)
- 10SP1A - Renewal of heart (130 kB)
- 10SP2B - Faith (217 kB)
- 10SP2C - Faith in the Spiritual Path (219 kB)
- 10SP2D - Faith In The Spiritual Path (318 kB)
- 10SP4A -Spiritual Stuggle (172 kB)
- 10SP4B - Spritual Struggle (70 kB)
- 10SP4C - Spiritual struggle (67 kB)
- 10SP5B - Hymn of Victory (165 kB)
- 10SP5C - The Heavenly Hymn (171 kB)
- 10SP6A - Contiuous contemplation in the bible (88 kB)
- 10SP6B - Contemplation in the Bible (131 kB)
- 10SP6C - Constant meditation on the Scriptures (154 kB)
- 10SP7C - Forgive (204 kB)
- 10SP7D - Forgiveness (43 kB)
- 9CH3B - Sacrament of eucharist (46 kB)
- 9FE4B - St Peter (765 kB)