Great Lent Rites

1) Alleluia Man’s Mind

Alleluia. Man’s mind profess to You, O’ Lord. his thoughts rejoice in you O Lord
My God The sacrifices and oblations accept them unto you Alleluia

2) The Golden Censor

The golden censor is the Virgin, her aroma is our Saviour, she bore Him and He saved us and forgave us our sins.

3) Before the Praxis

+ Remember me my Lord, Remember me my God, Remember me my King, When You come in Your Kingdom

+ Truly blessed are You with Your Gracious Father and the Holy Spirit for You have come and saved us

4) The After the Acts

+ Our Lord Jesus Christ, fasted for us, forty days and forty nights, to save us from our sins.

+ So let us fast in purity and righteousness, and pray to the Lord, fervently saying:

+ I have sinned, I have sinned, O my Lord Jesus Christ forgive me.

+ For there no servant without sin, nor a Lord without forgiveness.

+ Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, for Thine is the glory forevermore. Amen

5) The Response of the Gospel

+ Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, For Thine is the glory forevermore, Amen.

+ Blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit the Perfect Trinity we worship and glorify.

6) I Know That You Are Good

Aspasmos Watos, chanted during Lent:
“I know that/ You are good/ compassionate/ and merciful/ remember me with Your mercy.
I ask You/ my Lord Jesus/ do not destroy me/ in Your anger/ and Your wrath.
Do not chasten me/ for my i/gnora/nce.
Alleluia alleluia alleluia.
Jesus/ Christ/ fasted/ for us/ forty days/ and forty nights/ Have mercy/ upon us.
According to Your mercy.
Holy holy holy. Is the Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your holy glory.”

7) Psalm 150

Alleluia , Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Jesus Christ fasted for us forty days and forty nights Praise God in all His Saints ……

8) Blessed Are The Merciful

+ Blessed are the merciful / for they shall obtain mercy and Christ will forgive them in judgment / and dwell with His Spirit in them. + Fasting, fasting O
Christian / sanctify fasting in awe and fear fasting is not only hunger / without the heart repentance + Blessed is he who discipline / his body and soul
and lives in purity / for he will inherit the kingdom. + Fast O you people of God / in meekness and tears as Lord Jesus is our model / in fasting and prayers
+ True fasting is to loose / the bonds of wickedness and undo the heavy burdens / and to break every yoke. + Blessed are the merciful / for they shall obtain mercy and Christ will forgive them in judgment / and dwell with His Spirit in them

9) Our Father Who Art in heaven

1) Our Father who art in heaven, / hallowed be Thy Name, we cry unto You in afflictions / Our Father who art in heaven.

2)Your name will be glorified O Helper, / and blessed at all times, have mercy on Your servants, / Our Father who art in heaven

3) Your Kingdom come O my Lord, / and Your Holy Spirit fills my heart, this is my prayer and pleading, / Our Father who art in heaven.

4) Your will be done on earth, / fulfilled and we submit, make us obedient to Your will, / Our Father who art in heaven.

5) Your will be done in heaven, / On earth You are our Master, save us all from trials, / Our Father who art in heaven.

6) This day our daily bread, / give us O Glorious Good, Your mercies are multiplied, / Our Father who art in heaven.

7) Forgive our sins O Lord, / let it be according to Your mercy, and not according to our sins, / Our Father who art in heaven.

9) As we forgive those who sin / against us and our enemies teach us to be tolerant / Our Father who art in heaven.

10) Lead us not into temptations, / do not forsake Your creation, help us to endure all trials, / Our Father who art in heaven.

11) Deliver us from all evil, / You are the Mighty and Able Your eyes are watched for all Lord / Our Father who art in heaven

12)Through Jesus Christ our Lord, / Our Master accept us, we rejoice in Your voice, / Our Father who art in heaven.

13) To You is the power and kingdom, / glory, honour and blessing, through You ease our victory / Our Father who art in heaven

14) For ever more and more Amen, / make us steadfast in Your faith, and hear us when we cry unto You, / Our Father who art in heaven.

15) Our Father who art in heaven, / hallowed be Thy Name, we cry unto You in afflictions / Our Father who art in heaven.

10) Doxology of the Lent

1) Fasting and prayer are / salvation to our souls, and righteousness and purity / are what pleases God.

2) Through fasting Moses was lifted / up the mountain, And brought us the Law, / From our Lord God

3) Through fasting Elijah was / lifted up to into heaven, And Daniel too was saved / from the lion’s den.

4) Our Lord Jesus Christ, / has fasted for us, forty days and forty nights, / to save us from our sins.

5) And we too, let’s fast / in purity and righteousness, and let us also pray, / proclaiming and saying:

6) Our Father who art in heaven, / Hallowed be Thy Name Thy kingdom come, / For Thine is the glory forever. Amen.


For weekdays rites the church sings in different tunes, to learn weekdays liturgy rites please refer to the following link: