Resurrection Rites

Verses of the Cymbals .

• Keryleyson, Christ our Lord / rose from the dead / and He is the first of the reposed.
• Hail to His Resurrection / when He rose from the dead / to save us from our sins.
• Christ was laid in the tomb / according to the prophesies / and rose from the dead on the third day .
• Hail to you O’ Mary , / the beautiful dove / who bore to us God the Word.
• Hail to you O’ Mary ,/ with holy hail ./ Hail to you O’ Mary the mother of the Holy.
• Hail to Michael / the great archangel, / who announced salvation through the resurrection.
• Jesus Christ is He / yesterday , today and forever / one Hypostasis / we worship and glorify Him.
• O’ King of peace / grant us Your peace / confirm your peace / and forgive us our sins.
• Disperse the Church enemies / fortify her / and strengthen her forevermore.
• Emmanuel our God / is among us now / with His Father’s glory and the Holy Spirit.
• To bless us all / purify our hearts / and heal the illness of our bodies and souls
• We worship You O’ Christ / with Your gracious Father / and the Holy Spirit / for You have risen and saved us.

The Resurrection Doxology

1) Then our mouths are full of joy our tongues of praise, for our lord JESUS CHRIST has risen from the dead.

2) He defeated death with HIS power, and enlightened our lives, He went down to the places under the earth.

3) The guardians of Hades, were scared as they saw Him, HE defeated the shots of death, and they couldn’t captured Him.

4) He broke the reinforced doors, and shuttered their heavy locks, He freed His chosen, with happiness and joy .

5) He raised them to the highest, to the places of comfort, He saved them in His Name, and they saw His power.

6) This is why we are rich, with the forthcoming rewords and through faith we praise, and shout alleluia.

7) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, JESUS CHRIST king of glory has risen from the dead.

8) HE is worthy to be praised with His glorious Father and the Holy Spirit now and forevermore..

“Before the Gospel” ( Feast Raising Incense)

Let the Lord / Arise, / And let His enemies / Be scattered / And those who hate / His Holy name ,/ fleet from / His Face.
Alleluia , Alleluia.

“After the Gospel” ( Feast Raising Incense)

You are Holy and Blessed O ‘ Lord / For You suffered willingly / And arose from the dead / In the third day .
Glory be to You O Lord; / with Your gracious Father/ and the Holy Spirit / now and forevermore.

O’ King of Peace

1. King of peace give us your peace, confirm your peace, and forgive us our sins.
2. Disperse the church’s enemies, fortify her and strengthen her, forever more.
3. Emmanuel our God is among us now, with His Father’s glory, and the Holy Spirit.
4. To bless us all, purify our hearts, and heal the illness, of our bodies and souls. We worship You O’ Christ, with Your Gracious Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have risen and saved us.

Ep-oro ente tee

1. Ep-oro ente tee he-ree-ne:moy nan entek he-ree-ne: sem-ni nan entek he-ree-ne : ka nen nov-ee nan evol

2. Gor-evol e-ne-ga-je: ente tee ek-le-seya: aree soft eros en-nes-kem shaeneh.

3. Emma-no-ell pen-no-te: khen ten meee-tee te-no: Khen ep-oo ente pef-yot: nem peepnevma eth-o-wab.

4. Entef esmo eron tee-ren:entef to-vo en-nen heat: entef tal-etsho enne-sho-ne: ente nen ep-see-she nem nen souma

5. Ten-o-osht emmok o-pe ekh-res-tos: nem pek-yot en-a ghathos: nem pe epnevma eth-o-wab: je ak-tonk ak-so-te emmon

The Intercessions (Hiten..)

St. Mary
Through the pleadings of the Mother of God, Saint Mary. O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

The Resurrection
Through the pleading of the Resurrection Trumpet Blower, Michael the Chief of the Heavenly. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

The Heavenly Hosts
Through the pleadings of the Seven Archangels and the Heavenly Hosts. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

The Apostles
Through the prayers of my Masters the Apostles and Disciples. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

St. Mark
Through the prayers of the Beholder of the Lord, Evangelist Mark the Apostle. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Joseph, Nicodemus And St Mary Magdalene
Through the prayers of the righteous perfect Saints, Joseph and Nicodemous and Mary Magdalene. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

St George
Through the prayers of my lord, the Prince of Martyrs, the Hero, Saint George. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

St. Demiana
Through the prayers of the true bride of Christ Saint Demiana, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

St. Abraam
Through the prayers of our fathers the Righteous Anba Abraam Bishop of Fayoum, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Saints of the Day
Through the prayers of all the Saints of this day, each one in his name. O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

The Pope
Through their prayers, O Lord, preserve the life of our Father the honoured Pontiff Abba (Shenouda), O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

The Bishop
Through their prayers, O Lord, preserve the life of our Father the honoured Bishop Abba Daniel . O ‘Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins

We worship You O Christ, with Your, Gracious Father and, the Holy Spirit, for You have risen and saved us.

 Before The Acts

Hail to the resurrection of the One, / who redeemed us of our sins./
Truly blessed are You with Your gracious Father and the Holy Spirit for You have risen and saved us.

Come All You Heavenly Hosts

+ Come all you heavenly hosts, with joyful praises, sing to our Lord.
+ Rejoice and be glad with us today, for the resurrection of our Lord.
+ The sayings of the Fathers have been completed, and the prophecies have been fulfilled, today.
+ By the resurrection of the Lord from the dead, and He was the beginning of the resurrected.
+ The Lord awoke like a sleepy one, and as a drunk from wine.
+ And granted us the eternal delight, and redeemed us from bitter slavery.

The Resurrection Enacting

D: Ekhrestos Anesti P: Alethos Anesti
D. Christ has risen P: Truly indeed he has risen
D: Open O King your doors and be lifted up you eternal gates
Open O King your doors and be lifted up you eternal gates
Open O King your doors and be lifted up you eternal gates for the King of Glory
P: Who is the King of Glory.
D: The Lord Strong and Mighty / The Lord Mighty in battle
is the King of Glory.

Ekhristoc Anesti

Ekhristos Anesti ek nek roon, Thanato, Thanato batesas, ke ticentic emne maci zoen kharisa-menoc,Doxabatri ke eio,, ke ageio ebnefma te. ke nen ke ae ke estos e ona estoni onon. Amin

Christ Has Risen

Christ Has Risen from the dead, trampling down death by His death. And to those who were in the tomb, bestowing them eternal life. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, Now and forevermore. Amen.

We Praise and Glorify God (Tonsina.)

We praise and glorify God the Word who is , consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit, before all the ages . Who was born of the Virgin for our salvation. He accepted to be raised on the cross, bearing the sufferings and death willingly and raising the dead by His glorious resurrection.

Prince of Peace

+ Prince of peace is risen, He is risen indeed Alleluia, Alleluia, the Lord is risen.
+ At dawn of Sunday Mary Magdalene had gone, with some spices and ointments for the beloved One.
+ But Lord Jesus is risen triumphantly at dawn, and the angel of the Lord rolled over the stone.
+ Mary wept when she saw the tomb was empty, and asked ” where have you taken the body?”
+ Then Lord Jesus said to Mary: “I am He”, “I HAVE RISEN, go and tell everybody”.
+ To the gathered disciples Mary had gone, preaching “Lord Jesus is risen, He lives on”.
+ Then Jesus came and showed them His hands and side, and so, the joy in hearts did abide.
+ Alleluia, the good news is verified, Alleluia, He’s risen and glorified.
+ Alleluia, to the Saviour of all men, Alleluia, the thorn of death is broken.
+ Prince of peace is risen, He is rise indeed, Alleluia, Alleluia, the Lord is risen.

O’MY Lord Jesus Christ

O my Lord Jesus Christ who is risen from the dead / on the third day, arise us with Your power./ The Cherubim , the Seraphim, the Angels, the Archangels,/ the Principalities, the Thrones, the Dominions, the Lordships and the Powers./ Proclaim and say : Glory be to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will toward men.

Holy God, Holy Almighty….

+ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal;
Who arose from the dead,
have mercy upon us.

+ Glory be to the Father, to the Son and
to the Holy Spirit. Now and forevermore.
Amen. O Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us.

Response before the Liturgy Gospel

Alleluia (2 times); Jesus Christ; King of glory has risen from the dead on the third day; Alleluia (2 times).

Response after the Liturgy Gospel

Alleluia (4 times); Jesus Christ; King of glory has risen from the dead.

Glory to You O Lord; with Your gracious Father and the Holy Spirit; now and forevermore.

Espesmos Adam

Christ our God Has Risen from the dead, He was the first of the resurrected./
For that we glorify Him saying:
“You are Blessed, O my Lord Jesus, for You have risen and redeemed us. /

That we praise You with the Cherubim and the Seraphim proclaiming and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, O Lord Almighty, heaven and earth are full of Your glory and honour.

We pray to You O Son of God, to preserve the life of our Patriarch Abba Tawadros, the Pontiff, confirm him in his seat. And his partner in the ministry Abba Daniel the Bishop confirm him on his seat.


Alleluia (4 times); Jesus Christ, King of Glory has risen from the dead.
Praise God in all His Saints.
Alleluia (2 times); Jesus Christ, King of Glory has resin from the dead.