Prayer: Staying Connected

Staying Connected

Striving toward a life of Unceasing Prayer


O Lord, as we raise our hearts to You who are so wondrous, help us first to think of our sins, our weaknesses, and our shortcomings and beg for mercy and forgiveness. Clear us of the corruptions that infect our hearts, remove the blindness from our mind’s eye that hides our sins, and purify us through prayer.

O Lord, we pray that we may learn how to pray in spirit and in truth. We pray that we may learn how to have Your word on our lips or in our hearts unceasingly. We pray that You may teach us discipline and perseverance that we may approach you in Your majesty and turn to You with awe in our hearts. We pray that our lives become a prayer.

O Lord, we thank you that the path to your heavenly house is always open to us. We thank You that we need only look within ourselves to find You and that this sight, this prayer, is always open to us. We thank you for Your constant giving. We pray finally, O Lord, save us!
