Can You Keep A Secret?

Can You Keep A Secret?

Adapted from a sermon by Fr Yacoub Magdy

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was considered by many to be a sinner. He was a rich man and this made people presume that he was greedy and dishonest.

When we read his story, we see a man that was willing to give half his goods to feed the poor.  He also says that if he took anything from any man wrongfully, he will restore it fourfold. If he had truly taken and stolen money from others, then we know it’s not possible to restore fourfold. He was willingly giving away half his goods, with only half left. If it was not his own, he would be in severe debt if he gave away four times the original amount of money he had.

Zacchaeus was presumably wrongfully accused of theft. All tax collectors were hated by the Jews because of politics. When they approached St John the Baptist, they asked what should they do as tax collectors to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? St John did not tell them to quit their job, but only to perform their work with honesty, and not to take more than they are due. They had authority from the Roman Empire to take on more than just taxes. Some of them were not honest, but we cannot say this about all tax collectors. Zacchaeus’ pledge of half his goods is a testament to this.

Zacchaeus was rich AND a good man, with a burning desire to see our Lord. He was loyal to his friends. When Christ came to dine with him, Zacchaeus invited all the people to dine with them. We see a good man, but his goodness was only seen by Christ. Our Lord looks to the heart, and not the external. If we do good in secret, then only He knows. He loves to see us do good without external influences on our deeds. Zacchaeus teaches us to keep part of our goodness in secret between us and God.

Recall the story when Samuel the Prophet went to Jesse’s house to select one of his sons to be ordained as king of Israel. Jesse was very excited to receive a visit from the great prophet. He lined up all his sons, the strongest, the tallest, the ones built for war and leadership. There was one son that he did not include. His youngest, and most good-looking, for this was not a desirable quality in a king, as it suggested youth. The wars were won by strength, and having good looks would not get a king anywhere. David’s role was to take care of the little sheep.

Even Samuel was impressed by Jesse’s other sons. Immediately when he saw the oldest, he thought this must be the one that God had chosen. To his dismay, the Spirit of God told him that this was not the one. None of the sons were accepted by God. Samuel asks Jesse if there were any more, and Jesse tells him about David, the one that could never be fit to be king. Just a boy looking after sheep.

Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7

The Lord looks at the heart above all else. This grants us give comfort, for the Lord knows our hearts, He sees our intentions. We must not worry if people do not see this. It is human nature to deceive people and to be deceived, but God cannot be deceived.

During the final year of HH Pope Kyrillos VI’s life, he was sitting on his throne and was so sick that he slept while he was sitting. The people brought a demon-possessed man to him. The man cried and fell in the presence of the sleeping pope, and the demon fled. He didn’t put his Cross over his head, he didn’t pray, but when the demon caught sight of the pope, this was enough.

Fr Raphael commented on this scene saying, “Of course the demon fled, for the Lord knows, and the devil knows, what is happening within the heart.” Even the devils know what happens in secret. This is an awakening to us all. When no one else can see, what do I choose to do? I can do what I please, or I can do good and the Lord will reveal His secrets to me.

Between friends, you know if a friend is trustworthy in their ability to keep your secrets. This happens with us and Christ. When Christ knows that you are the type to keep secrets, He will give you more.

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.

Psalm 25:14

There is so much joy when there is secrecy and a personal relationship with us and our Lord.

Once a man and woman separated and wanted a formal divorce. A priest began to visit them separately, praying with them and counseling them. After a long time, they were brought back together and restored as husband and wife. A man then went to the priest and said, “did you know that these people would go back together?” Imagine the thoughts of the priest as he simply said, “Did they?” He was not trying to display his efforts, but they were for the sake of God.

We once visited a Greek family who had children. Fr Mark sat with the two children and they loved him very much. They wanted to show him something that they found interesting. With delight, Fr Mark said, “What is it?” Then the children brought out Upper Room Media. Fr Mark kept showing interest as if he was not the founder of the app. Fr Mark saw the joy it brought the children to discuss this finding, and he did not want to take this away from them.

The Lord reveals His secrets with the one who keeps His secrets.