Apparently It’s A Virtue

Patience in Tribulation Part 4


Too often people embarking on the spiritual life forget that patience is a virtue, and that, because of man’s freedom, the effort to cleanse one’s life from sin is tiresome and long. Everything is expected at once, with little striving and small effort.

Too often, also, people who wish to be patient forget that the virtue is a grace of God and a fruit of the Spirit. They think that they can attain patience with themselves and with others by will power alone; by rationalizations and human considerations. Such people never find peace for their souls.

The virtue of patience is found in the steadfast endurance given by God. It is the power to “stay on the cross” no matter what, doing only the will of the Lord. Patience is united with faith, hope, love, humility and obedience, which alone brings the strength to go on. It must be renewed daily through fasting, prayer and communion with God in the Church. It is found when one trains oneself to remember God, to abide in Christ and to see all things in the light of the Kingdom of God.

Fr Thomas Hopko


With every tribulation you face this month, recall one time God has delivered you from a similar situation.


When the storms get rough, help us to remember You first. Help us to remember that when we are just trying to make the next step, You are preparing us to soar like eagles above all that concerns us in this world. Help us to remain steadfast in hope of Your mercy, Your love and Your compassion. Help us to be thankful for the opportunity to share in Your suffering in all tribulations I face. Give me internal joy that is unaffected by the tumult around us.

Help us to pray like Job, ““Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). May we never cling so tightly to anything in this world that may stop us from praising Your Name. Amen.