I Rescued the Fatherless

I Rescued The Fatherless

by: Virgin Mary Youth

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you…” John 14:18

“I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist them.” – Job 29:12

There are a couple of areas in the Holy Bible where our Lord Jesus Christ mentions widows and orphans, and how He has a special place in His heart for them and our duty to care for them also.

When you’re reading the Holy Bible sometimes you come across a verse which pulls on the heart strings depending on your mood and what you’re currently going through. These types of verses always hit home for me having had someone close to me pass away when I was younger.

I guess what hurt and bothered me the most was that God took away one of the closest people to me.

“Why would God do that? Does He really love me?”

Questions like this always lurked in my mind which created a barrier between myself and God.

However, I learnt something really valuable – When God takes something away, He also gives you something greater.

 It always reminds me of those superheroes like Daredevil where Matt Murdock is blind but he has this super-hearing, which can basically paint a picture of his surroundings in his mind.

For me, it was that I lost a loved one, but for someone else it could be a relationship that went downhill, a job that fell through, or never getting into a particular degree. It’s hard! It’s always hard! But the fact that we have a loving God that we can talk to, and sometimes even get frustrated with, is something that’s so comforting.

“From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2

This is one of my favourite psalms because it’s so comforting! King David always knows what to say! That rock that is “higher than I” is God. He’s the one we should be relying on. But sometimes when we are in the middle of our troubles, He’s the last person we want to talk to. Despite this, because of God’s great love, He gradually and subtly appears in the picture so that we can come to our senses and speak to Him.

I only got off the pity train when I told Him how I felt; when I was honest with Him. Only at that point did things change. My whole mindset changed when I told Him what was going on with me and why I was upset. It’s so cliché but from then onward it felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

God allowed my dad to pass away but He gave me a priest who became an earthly father. He gave me a mother who He knew would be the best mother and father. He gave me friends who would always be there for me. He gave me a church that I could always go to for a moment of silence and serenity. Most importantly, He gave me Himself so that I would have the best Heavenly Father

We always worry about the future to the point where we don’t enjoy the present. Just enjoy the now and let God sort out tomorrow.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

I learnt so much from that stage in my life but the three things that stood out to me the most were:

1. To turn all my worries, burdens and frustrations into prayers to Him
2. Just live in the moment and forget about all the worries of the futur
3. God will never leave us when we are going through something tough, no matter how alone and helpless we may feel.