If You Love Me…

If You Love Me…


Discuss as a group some of the barriers stopping us from keeping God’s commandments and serving others with Christ-like love.

Every day this week pray that the Lord enlarges our heart to

Love Him more


Serve someone difficult


Reveal the barriers stopping us from obeying His commands


To Our King,

Thank You for Your love that has no bounds, Your mercies which You renew each morning, and Your commandments which give us life. Thank You for constantly knocking on the door of our hearts begging us to open so that You may fill it with exceedingly abundant gifts. Thank You for never giving up on us. Help us Lord to set You as a seal upon our heart, in loving You, and as a seal upon our arm, in loving and serving others. Open our eyes to see the barriers stopping us from loving You, from obeying Your commandments, and from loving Your people.

Lord, we love You. But help our lack of love. Amen.