Lightly Salted

Lightly Salted Part 2


A US soldier brought back from Germany a little phosphorescent match case that illuminates in the darkness. One evening, in a company of friends, he took it out to show them. He turned out all the lights, but the obstinate little match case would not shine. The soldier concluded that he had been swindled. The next day, while examining his purchase more closely, he read on one side, “If you wish me to shine, keep me in the sunlight.” He followed the directions, put it out where the sun’s rays could be absorbed and then in a dark room found it had a brilliant glow.

We cannot be lights for Christ in this world unless we live in His presence day by day … Only then can we be what Christ intended us to be: lights shining in the darkness.

Eastern Orthodoxy: A Way of Life by Anthony M. Coniaris


How can we obtain this light from Christ and live in His Presence day by day?