Living Faith

Living Faith

Translated from a sermon by Fr Louka Sidarous

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

Matthew 24:35

If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17:20

Christ did not give this command so that we would think that we would become superheroes if we have faith! The idea is not about moving mountains at all, so it’s not faithful people walking around moving mountains and performing miracles and wonders. Not at all.

Throughout our journey in life, our stronghold is the virtue of faith. People think that faith is a matter of believing that God exists and believing in His qualities but that alone is not faith. The demons know a lot more than we, as human beings do. They know God, they know His qualities and they know what He is capable of as God. They used to be His angels and they know Him very well. This is why St James writer of the epistle says, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe – and tremble!” (James 2:19). Does this mean that they have faith? Moreover, does this mean they have faith that could move mountains? Definitely not!

So what can I do? He asks, “do you have faith?

and you answer, “yes I do.”

How do you know that you have faith? can you see your faith?

The answer to this question is yes you can see your faith. You can see faith when you live in faith. Living faith is shown through action. This is what true faith is. True faith means that I believe that God looks out for me. This is the way in which we ought to live. True faith means I feel and believe that God will not forget me.

I asked you to show me that you believe in your everyday life, what would you show me? If I pray to God, “arrange my life as you deem fit,” how do I show this? Am I worried? Do I plan out my life as if God does not exist? Sometimes our actions show that we do not have faith. We often tell ourselves we have to take action whenever it suits us, through whatever means – even if that means bribery, lying, stealing or even worse. Where is God in all this?

We tell ourselves that we believe that God exists and He surrounds us everywhere. But our actions say otherwise, why do we begin to act like the hypocritical Pharisees? At Church we act one way, at work a different way and behind closed doors in another. Do we not realise that God can see everything? This way of living is not a faithful way of living. We believe that God is everywhere but our behaviour does not agree with our beliefs. If we believe that God is always with us, we would be careful with how we conduct ourselves no matter where we are, knowing that God is always there.

Some say, I believe that God is always with me, but still feel afraid. Why are you afraid or in distress if you say God is with you? He says, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7)

If you have true faith, you will live this through your daily life regardless of the external circumstances. While there are other people that say they are faithful but they do not know God, although they may always speak of God and be very knowledgeable.

The Saints that lived on Earth, lived a truly faithful life. Some of them lived in the wilderness and in deserts, their faith is what strengthened them. Others through their faith, trampled and prevailed over devils. While those who were martyred went through gruesome suffering and torture, however, they never lost patience or perseverance through their faith.

We should live in faith just as these Saints did and it will be for our benefit. Our faith will be tested just as Abraham’s was. One of the most difficult tests was when he was told to take his son and go to the hill to offer him up as a sacrifice. What makes this even harder is that the sacrifice was to be made 3 days from when he was told; this allowed him to think and overthink in his head before the actual sacrifice.

Abraham’s faith strengthened him and he did not forget the promises of God in which he was told that he will have many descendants and they will be blessed. Abraham believed that if Isaac was to die, the Lord would raise him up; to fulfil His promise to him (although he hadn’t heard of people resurrecting at the time). This shows us the strength of his trust in God. Tests of faith can be very difficult but those who have true faith will succeed, just as Abraham did.

There is a great blessing in being faithful and simply trusting God’s words. Never question the Lord’s promises or alter them to suit you and your circumstances; His words are alive. Put your complete faith in God and not in man or princes, the days of a man comes to an end; but God lives forever.

There is nothing that can strengthen your soul but faith, from birth to the last breath you take. As I have said before, faith is not just believing in God but complete reliance and surrender of yourself to Him. The reason for this is because what He knows is so much better than what I know, and the difficult times he chooses for me is better than the things I choose for myself.

Everyone experiences hardships in life, but those who are truly faithful stand out and their secret is the virtue of faith. This is to trust in God’s timing from the bottom of our hearts, remembering the words of our Lord every step of the way. When you open the Bible you realise that He will never leave not even for a second, you will live under the shadow of His wings, surrounded by His mercies, compassion and Love. We need this faith to be alive within us, but the mind can be a hindrance – always planning and always thinking of tomorrow.

No one that has put their trust in God has been disappointed, and no one has had true faith in their heart and God has let them down. He came down to this earth to die for us, we are His beloved and He always wants what is best for us; He gives us no reason to be afraid or to doubt. Faith is believing that God loves me, and this world is not worth it. The whole story written from Adam to the coming of Christ, shows us that living in faith is a life spent in communion with God. A true honest relationship with Him; obeying His every command regardless of what others may think of me. Let your life be led by faith, every day, in everything you do, in every interaction, in every circumstance and do not be afraid – because where there is faith, fear cannot exist. Glory be to God forever, Amen.