Prayer: Be Humble

Be Humble, or you’ll stumble


Dear Heavenly Father,

For so long I have looked to myself. I have wallowed in self-pity and rejoiced in vain glory alike. Help me to redirect my eyes upon You, O Lord, the giver of all good things. Help me to see Your hand in everything I say and do.

Help me to empty myself of all that I am proud of, and of all that I am ashamed of. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow, for I know that only then can I be filled with You. Break every source of pride that resides within me so that I can be healed in You.

Do not disregard a humble heart that pleads for your mercy and compassion. I come to you broken and in need, do not allow me to be consumed by my pride any longer. Draw near to me so that I may praise You all the days of my life.

Glory be to Your holy and blessed Name, now and forevermore, Amen.