Prayer: Sharper than any Two Edged Sword

The Bible


Dear Lord,

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. Whenever I feel lost or afraid, help me to run to Your Word. May Your Word dwell in my heart and my mind always. Do not let me to become complacent to Your Word. Rather, let it be a two-edged sword that grants me confidence in You and sets my path straight when I have strayed.

Thank You for giving me the love letter that is the Bible. It is my safe haven in times of trial and tribulation and my eternal source of joy and comfort. I know that whenever I read Your Word, I am hearing Your voice speaking directly to me. Help me to yearn for the time I get to hear Your Word.

Help me to know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image so that I may run to Your precious Word all the days of my life. May Your praise always be upon my lips. Forever and always Yours. Amen.