Renewed in Love

Renewed in Love

An anonymous poem

As we walk through life’s valley in the shadow of death,
We look around seeking light to penetrate into its depth,
As we struggle, persevere, lift our eyes to the cleft,
Seeking hope, life, deliverance that’s impervious to theft

When we find ourselves consumed by our daily trouble,
As life’s happenings build up to burst our fragile bubble,
We try to grit our teeth, pushing through our struggle,
Ignoring the only One able to deliver us from this self-made muddle

Neglecting Him we try to resort to our own efforts and means,
Thinking of strategies and ways our minds earnest and keen,
Forgetting His mighty hand and workings that are hidden, unseen,
Working this trouble all for good from behind the visible scenes

Believing all is for good can be doubted, misunderstood,
Crossing our mind a natural question often humbly could,
And so we turn to His word as our source of nourishing food,
Where we will feast on holy examples which the Bible gracefully exudes

When we look at Abraham, his life’s efforts and toil,
Called to leave his country home and familiar soil,
His faith tested through fire, simmered up to the boil,
And yet God rewarded him because he was loyal

Next up we have Isaac who was always obedient,
Who thought not bringing a ram was quite inconvenient,
Who humbly submitted himself, although not expedient,
And so God blessed in a way that he had not seen yet

Now in Jacob we have one who seems awfully real,
One who wrestled with God and experienced his feel,
Although challenges abounded late in Jacob’s ordeal,
God was working all for good for his children to meal

Three examples we see of the patriarchs of old,
Whose experiences with God give hope to the fold,
That God can deliver all who draw near Him and hold,
Working all things for good to those love Him bold