Repentance and Confession

Repentance and Confession


O’ Holy Father, who awaits the return of sinners, You promised that You are always ready to accept a repent heart. Look now upon my humble and miserable soul that was lost in the valleys of disobedience. I have tasted the bitterness of misery for too long when I strayed from You.

Now I come back to You to be purified, accept and do not reject me, for when You look at me with mercy and compassion, I will be cleansed and saved. If you turn away, I shall perish. Grant me O Lord, Your blessing to strengthen my will to come closer to You in faith and hope, to confess my sins and detest returning to them.

May Your Holy Spirit remind me not to stray. May You enlighten my heart so I can see the graveness of my sins and negligence and have the will to obey Your commandments and live for the Glory of Your Holy Name. Amen.