Spiritual Friendship


Lord, teach us to value those whom You placed in our lives to lift us up in times of need. Give us the zeal to encourage each other always throughout all temptation and tribulations this life has to offer. May we always have the name of those near and far on our lips in prayer, that we may represent true friendship.

Help us, Lord, to come together in Your name so that we may readily invite Your presence into our lives. Give us the humility to pray for one another in the  spirit of unity, that You may always be the chain that holds us together in friendship.

Lord, we ask that You may come today to be our Friend. That our soul may be knit to Yours in the bond of perfection that is Love. That our desires and ambitions may imitate Yours in every direction our life leads us. And that You are the first Friend we run to whenever our hearts may be burdened. Amen