To Do or Not To Do

To Do or Not to Do: Lessons from my Life on Short Term Mission Trips

By Fr Abraham Fam

Originally seen at goCoptic blog (January 21, 2020)

So many people in churches for many years are talking about how mission trips changed their lives. Sometimes you wonder if there is any benefit to spending so much money to go somewhere uncomfortable just to say now I did a mission trip or post pics on social media. There are so many opinions on this matter, but let me just offer my opinion on how these mission trips benefited me and maybe how it can benefit you.

  • Touch God

I remember the first time taking a mission trip 20 years ago to Kenya and Tanzania. I was not really that close to God, but I heard about mission and wanted to try. Even though I was extremely afraid to go, I felt for some reason (probably God) that I needed to go. I went on this trip not knowing what to expect, but what I received was nothing I could ever dream of. In serving the poor and those in need and spending time with the children in Africa, I was touched with the touch from God. His presence surrounded me. That is when I really understood the verse: When you do it to the least of these my brethren you do it unto me (Matthew 25:40). This was referencing when we serve those in need. This touch healed so much in me and is still working in me. 

  • Be His Vessel

There is no greater experience in my life, than being a vessel to transmit God’s love and message to others. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 

Of course, we are not worthy of this great honor, but God desires and is looking for any person that he can use as His vessel. God wants to be present in this world and save His people. He wants to do that through us. Thus, serving on many mission trips and now living in the mission for over 13 years, I have seen so many times where God used me as His earthen vessel to transmit His great power, love, and encouragement to others. This is a huge reason why I recommend you to go on a mission trip. I am not saying this can’t be done where you are. But sometimes we need a spark that can light a fire in my life that will keep flaming continuously. 

  • Overcome Your Fears

As I said earlier I had so many fears and excuses why I should not go on a mission trip. Later I realized, God wanted to help me overcome my fears. I had a fear to speak in public and pray in public. I was more of a quiet person to myself. God wanted me to look outward and serve outward and not just be to myself. I will never forget my first mission trip when all were required to preach in public in front of many. I was so scared that every time we were called to preach in public in the markets I would find a way to hide behind someone. Bishop Paul would call out people randomly to go and preach. After a few times, I almost perfected my ability to hide from His Grace. However, one time in the biggest market, I was caught and asked to go and preach. All I remember was that I was so afraid that I started to lose sight. Everything was blurry. So, I went up and started preaching. I don’t know what I said or if I even talked about Jesus, but that moment was life changing. After I was done, I felt a courage and boldness that overcame me. That boldness has continued from that moment until now as God continues to challenge me every day. 

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 

Maybe God wants to help you overcome a certain fear? Mission trips are His training ground. 

  • Mission Continues at Home

One of the greatest impacts I have seen from taking a mission trip is when I went back home to our church, I saw how much we who experienced this great mission applied what we learned at home. Honestly, I haven’t seen anything that grew our churches more than when groups kept coming back from mission trips and the zeal and energy and love for God inspired them to do more for the people in the church. Really the reward from mission trips were not just at the mission trips, but the impact was felt at home. 


Should I take a mission trip? Most definitely, you and your family should sign up today for one. If there are no trips from your church planned then start organizing one with your leaders. If there are still no trips, then just come alone (email is below). You won’t regret coming, but you might regret not coming. I know it is hard to find time and money to go, but pray and start fundraising and you will see how God will complete it. It is not just about going to a trip and taking pics and putting it on Facebook. There is so much more God wants to do and sometimes He needs to take us from all our distractions so we can hear Him clearly.

I am so thankful for all the mission trips that I have taken in my life. It has developed me into the person I am today. Come, feed your soul and help feed the soul of others.

For everything in the world will perish except the soul because it is eternal

St John Climacus

Fr Abraham and Dalia Fam (2020). goCoptic. To Do or Not to Do by Fr Abraham Fam. Original post –