The Greatest Gift of All


Lord, please set my heart aflame with love for You. Let not my heart desire anything before You. Please grant me purity of heart that I may see You, feast upon Your beautiful countenance, and grow in love for You each day.

Lord, who can ever comprehend the height of Your love? For You loved me and died for me, even though I hurt You and continue to sin against You.

I love You, Lord, for you first loved me. To even see Your back, like Moses, would be enough for my cup to run over with the tremendous love You have for Your creation. Even when I am overwhelmed with Your love, I know it is still but a glimpse, a shadow, of Your limitless love.

Lord please grant me a heart like Yours – a heart over-flowing with love for my neighbour, even those who hurt and persecute me. Remove any trace of hatred or pride dear Lord, but rather grant me sacrificial love that seeks the comfort of others before my own, a love that would lay down its life for the sake of its friends. Amen.