The Realest Relationship

The Realest Relationship

Adapted from The Purpose Podcast, hosted by Christina Ibrahim and Daniel Mawad, featuring Fr Mark Basily

To understand the concept of having a relationship with God, we look back at the beginning of creation of man. This begins to give us an explanation of the necessity of a relationship with Christ, or the purpose of even knowing Him.

This begs the question, why did God create us? Sometimes we need to look beyond the standard answer of, “God is Love,” or “He did it because He loves us.” Anything more than this may seem too difficult to comprehend.

To answer the big questions, we can start with smaller questions; why do I want to have children?

If you think of it logically, it doesn’t make sense. Kids are a drainer; they drain your money, your time, your sleep. And they give you nothing in return. The reason why there is an inherent desire for children is the promise of a potential relationship. This compels us to have children. To share love. To enjoy life.

From here, we begin to see why Christ wants to have a relationship with His creation. The purpose of creation is to form a relationship, God is Love, and wants to share that love. This may suggest that God was missing something before the creation of man. The belief in the Trinity and the three Persons of the Trinity nullifies this theory.

God was not alone, and therefore did not need creation. He was already in a relationship with the Persons of the Trinity. What makes Christianity unique is that it was always about a relationship. God wanted to be in a relationship with humanity.

Thus, sin can be seen as a break in the relationship with Christ. Religion poses a series of rules, if you break one of these rules then you have sinned. This is a constrained way of living, because if I step out of line that would make me a sinner.

As Christians, this is not how we perceive our all-loving God. All throughout scripture, God presented Himself to the church as the Bridegroom. If this is the relationship – as close as a bride and groom – then any break is not just sin but adultery. It is being unfaithful to your Beloved. Christ presented it in this way is to show that sin is missing the mark in your relationship with Him; not a set of rules.

A key difference in our relationship of God compared to our relationships with others is that God will never give up on us. God gives us free-will and the ball is always in our court to make a change. For as long as there is breath within us, we are given the opportunity to know Christ. He presents Himself as a waiting Father, take the parable of the prodigal son for example. The father waits for his son’s return. He never gives up on creation.

Despite this, we, as humans do not always want a relationship with Christ, even as Christians. As humans, we’re clever at burying our heads in the sand. We search for happiness and are often willing to pursue Christ if this doesn’t bring us immediate satisfaction. Christianity can be too much, sometimes I just want to live day to day, enjoy life. I don’t want to think too deeply. It can be a struggle to be happy when trying to maintain a relationship with Christ.

How do we get to a point where we are happy to strive for a relationship? There are so many dimensions to take into consideration. If we have a journey with Christ, we progress toward a destination, we should be quite confident that we are developing a relationship. We are all at different levels, but on a journey. I know Christ and I’m growing in faith over time. I haven’t reached the destination but I am on a path that will lead to Christ. I’m not proud because I’ve made it and I do not despair because I haven’t reached my destination yet.

What should we expect on the journey? We all have a cross to carry, and the answer can seem to be that if you have relationship with Christ then that is the solution. A relationship with Christ transforms our life. It transforms the good times and the tough times. When you are connected to Christ, you have His support, you have power, you have patience, you have hope for a better tomorrow. The reality is that we receive power by being connected to Him. When going through difficult times, they don’t go away but I am given strength to push forward. In times of joy, He magnifies my joy.

Having a relationship with Christ is transformative, and pleasantly surprising even at the start. We are more than physical beings, we have spirits and souls, we have been breathed on by the breath of God. If we only live physical lives, then we cannot be fully content. As soon as we embark on a relationship with Christ, the void begins to be filled and this is most transformative part of a relationship with Christ.

Our life should be viewed in the context of eternity. Some people have extremely difficult lives. A relationship with Christ helps, but it doesn’t make our problems disappear. Christ Himself said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33.

He doesn’t say, I will take away your problems, He says I have overcome the world. Be of good cheer because there is another world to come. Even when I struggle, I have another life to look forward to, and this is my hope in Jesus Christ. Will the relationship help with my issues? Yes, it definitely helps, and there is power and strength to help me overcome, but they do not disappear.

If we want to start a relationship with Christ, the journey begins with communication. Narrow is the path that leads to life and not many find it. The followers of Christ are the minority. People come to realise that there is a place for Christ.

When you come to realise that nothing in this life satisfies you, there is only one conclusion – that you were created for another life

C.S. Lewis

We must have been created for something more than the temporal world we know. Not only do we claim eternity, but we enjoy life on earth in a different way. When you taste God, the struggle becomes more beautiful, all good things take hard work. Doesn’t mean that it’s not genuine because it’s a struggle. On the contrary, anything that is precious, requires effort.

Our lives can be transformed if we see Christianity as a relationship with Christ. It is the pearl of great price.