The Thief’s Plea

The Thief’s Plea

By Shery Abdelmalak

“This is how we survive”
My father’s words piercing every time.
At every theft;
At every crime,
All I know is, this is how I survive.

I see the same look in their eyes,
Wishing someone would hear their cries.
At first, I would it feel so deep;
To my very core.
But there is so much more,
Than one person’s weep.

I see them all,
Praying to their God.
Waiting for some kind of lightening rod
But does He hear their call?

Their faith seems so strong,
Until their money is robbed.
Did they get it wrong?
They cry out but He doesn’t respond.

This is how I operate,
Waiting for their emotions to cloud their judgement
Knowing then will they cooperate
It isn’t long before my next target.

This is too easy.
I begin to become complacent.
One slip leaves me uneasy,
This day is my ultimate repayment.

The judge makes a final declaration.
For a life of theft,
I receive my arrest,
Death by crucifixion is their only request.

Theft felt like a simple transaction,
Yet it left my victims in torment
I have become the main attraction
But how can I lament?

It doesn’t seem fair,
Theft was all I had known.
Why does no one care?
I had nowhere to call home.
A life lived trying to fill a void
Yet now I am left decoyed.

But in His outstretched arms,
I see something,
I feel something,
That words could never describe.
The void I could never fill,
Was now right by my side.

I see love
I see why they run to Him
In His eyes,
I know that I have sinned,
I am so small,
Weaker than them all.
But even on the Cross,
He is mightiest to behold.
I know I am not alone.

I see love that inscribed my name on the palm of His hand
I see love that gives life to dry bones
I see love that was enslaved for my sake alone
I see love that can soften even a heart like mine.

For Him, I can only plead;
This one will make all the difference
I submit before His omnipotence.

Remember me, O Lord when you come into your Kingdom.
Remember me, in my pride filled spin.
Remember me, and fill me with Your wisdom
Remember me, when it comes time to pay the price of sin;

Remind me that it was You, that was eternally by my side.