Bereavement Announcement for Nashat Roshdy Mansour

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

In loving memory of Mr Nashat Roshdy Mansour.

Husband of Nadia Mansour, father of Natalie, Helen & Sarah, brother of Nahla Gergis and brother-in-Law of Ramsis Gergis, brother of Nagy Mansour, Nader Mansour, Nohad Mansour, Nagwa Armanious, Nadia Mansour and Nora Mansour.

He will be missed by all, for his humour, his love, his poetry and creativity, his generosity, his kindness and his strength. Please keep the family in your prayers.

Condolences will be received on:

⁃ Monday 14/10 – 6-7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral Bexley &

⁃ Tuesday 15/10 – 6-7pm at St Bakhomious Church, Kirawee.

Funeral Details:

Date: Thursday 17th October

Time: 10:30am

Location: St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral

Burial Location: Rookwood Cemetery