27.03.2023 | Intro to Micah

+ Monday: Intro to Micah +

Micah is one of the Minor Prophet books in the Bible, in the Old Testament. 

Written by: The prophet Micah
Written for: The people of Israel who at the time were not following God’s commandments
Main Focus: To warn the people of Israel that God has withdrawn His protection from them because of their actions and they will be conquered by their enemies. However, he gives hope to them by telling them that He will restore those people who continue to follow God in due time.
Key Verse: Micah 7:18-19 http://bit.ly/3LK2xgd 

Watch an overview of the book of Micah at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFEUEcylwLc

Personal Reflection
Let us pray before beginning this book that we come with an open heart, and allow the Lord, as we near the end of lent, to uproot the old in us, and plant and set the new in us, so that we may be filled with the hope and joy of His resurrection.

27.03.2023 | Intro to Micah Read More »