20/03/2023 | John 16

+ Monday: John 16 + 
Reading link: http://bit.ly/42eGQeh
Audio link: http://bit.ly/42gPkkR 

In the Gospels of the three other evangelicals it is clearly shown that He made such a prophecy before the Last Supper, (Matt 10:16-30; Mark 13:9-13; Luke 21:12-17): that the Helper or Intercessor became necessary when Christ would depart. He, therefore, speaks about Him since the beginning as He was with them and His presence was helping them. However, on the night of His departure it was appropriate for the Lord to speak about the coming of the Spirit who will pour love in the hearts of those who will courageously preach the word of God. With the Spirit, they will carry within themselves Christ’s testimony. There will be no cause to stumble when the hostile Jews put them out of the synagogues and kill them thinking that in doing so they offered God service. For, love endures all things, (1 Cor 13:7); and that love of God had been poured into their hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to them
+ Saint Augustine

Personal Question
From Christ’s words on the Helper, and St Augustine’s contemplation, what is the role of the Holy Spirit? Are there times in our lives where we feel we need the Holy Spirit to strengthen us?

20/03/2023 | John 16 Read More »