Featured Saint 20/02

St Gelasius the struggling ascetic

Claim to fame: He went to the wilderness of Shiheet and became a monk. Afterwards, he was ordained a priest, and the angel of the Lord guided him to a distant place where many monks gathered around him, and he was a great example for them. He considered himself as one of them. He was patient and long suffering to the point that he transcribed the Holy Bible and placed it in the church for the other monks to read. One day a stranger visited him and stole the transcribed Bible and went to try to sell it to someone. That person wanted to know its value, so he went to St. Gelasius and showed him the Bible. St. Gelasius knew that it was his book and asked him, ‘For how much did he sell it to you?’ He answered, ‘For sixteen Dinari.’ The saint said to him that it was cheap, and so the man took it and went to his home. When the seller came back to him to pick up the price, he said to him, ‘I have shown the Bible to Father Gelasius and he said that the price was too high.’ The seller asked, ‘Did the father tell you anything else?’ The buyer replied, ‘No.’ The man who stole the Bible said, ‘I do not want to sell it.’ He took the book and went to Father Gelasius and gave it to him weeping and regretting what he did. The saint did not accept it from him. However, after the man had insisted with many tears, the saint at last accepted it from him. When this father finished the course of his life in a good old age, the Lord wanted him to rest from the labours of this world, and he departed leaving us with this good memory.

Quotes: 1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:1-3)

Fun fact: God granted this saint the gift of performing miracles. One day, the monastery was presented with an amount of fish. After they were cooked, the cook asked one of the servants to guard it, but the servant ate a great part of it. When the cook knew what had happened, he was angry at that servant, for he ate before the time of eating and before the elders had blessed it. The cook beat him with a deadly hit that killed him. The cook was afraid of what he had done and went to St. Gelasius and told him what had happened. The saint told him to take the body and put it in the church in front of the altar and to leave it there. The saint and the monks came to the church, prayed the Vespers prayer, and then the saint departed from the church, and the boy rose up and followed him. The monks did not know of this miracle until the saint had departed.

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