Featured Saint

St Gregory the Wonder Worker:

-Claim to fame:

He was the bishop of Neo-Caesarea, the capital of Pontus in Asia Minor. After years of studying Christian philosophy, theology and interpretation of the holy books, he was baptised. He then went to the wilderness devoting himself to prayer and ardent worship. After his ordination as bishop, the Lord performed many signs and wonders at his hands, so that he was called the wonder worker. An example was two brothers owned a lake from which they made a good living. They had a falling out because of it. When they were unable to reach an agreement, they sought the wisdom of St. Gregory to help them settle their differences. He judged that they should divide the yield of the lake equally among themselves. When they did not heed his judgement, he entreated God and the water of the lake dried up and it became a farmland, which they divided among themselves.

-Fun fact:

His birth name was Theodore and was born to rich, pagan parents. He first learnt about Christianity when he went to Caesarea, Palestine where he met the scholar Origen.

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