Spiritual Message of the Day 10/1

The Coptic church celebrates the feast of the entry of the Holy Family to Egypt on the Coptic Calendar Pashons 24.

The following points enlightens us with the spiritual meanings of the Holy feast.

1. Our Lord Entered Egypt to take away and remove the plague and the curse that took place on the land of Egypt at the time of Exodus, where Mosses took the Israelites out of Egypt.

Our Lord can also by entering our hearts, take away the plague and the curse, that causes us to stumble, and stray away from the love of our Lord.

Isaiah 19:25 “Blessed is Egypt My people.”

2. Our Lord flees to the Land of Egypt, from the evil of Herod the king, who wanted to kill Him. We learn a practical lesson from our Lord, to flee evil, and to escape from sin.

Matthew 2:13 “Arise, Take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt”.

3. Our Lord the good Shepherd said in John 10:16 “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one Shepherd.”

We learn from the good Shepherd, that we too, must bring those who do not know Christ and gather them to His flock.

Isaiah 19:19 “In that Day there will be an alter to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt.”

May Our Lord Who was seeking the lost souls, at that time in Egypt, make our souls to hunger and thirst for Him.

– Fr Michael Fanous

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