Spiritual Message of the Day 3/4

Spiritual Message from Fr David:


We have reached the half way mark of the Great Lent. Many may be feeling where has the time gone? How do I make the most of the time remaining?

Pope Shenouda asks a series of questions that are beneficial for us to reflect on. Ask yourself:

– Do you really know God?
– Does He have a clear existence in your busy life?
– is He your number 1 priority?
– is He your everything? Or, is there something more important besides God? What is it?

There are different levels in our relationship with God, where do you stand?

These may sound like strange questions…because we all feel that, off course we know God. But as St James explained knowledge alone is not sufficient as “even the demons believe and tremble” (Jm2:19)

May we use the remaining few weeks of Lent as a spiritual revival, approaching Him and experiencing Him through living and communicating with Him daily.

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