Sunday School
1. Sunday School Classes

Sunday 10:30am - 12pm

Christ Centric teaching of children from pre-creche till Year 12 the Church beliefs, canons and path to reach heaven, includes camps and other activities.

2. Sunday School Bible Study

Sunday 10:30am - 12pm

Christ Centric teaching of the Bible to all children in Sunday School includes competitions, Bible study questions and other activities.

Arabic Bible Study - St Mark Church Sydney
3. Sunday School Program

Sunday School Program – Focused on preparing and delivering Christ centric lessons to all children in Sunday School.

Arabic Bible Study - St Mark Church Sydney
4. Pre Servants

Sunday 10:30am - 12pm

A 3-year program focused on teaching high school graduates how to serve the Lord across different services. Includes exams and Bible studies.

Pre Servants | St Mark Church Sydney
5. Resource Room

Supporting the needs of Sunday school in photocopying, gifts and other admin work.
Saturdays and Sunday during Sunday School hours.

Sunday Resources | St Mark Church Sydney
1. Youth Meetings

Friday 8pm - 10pm

St Marks Youth meeting (for younger youth) and Zion Youth Meeting (for older youth) allows Christian fellowship and building of youths’ faith in Christ and the Church.

Pre Servants | St Mark Church Sydney
2. Tertiary Prayer meeting boys

Tuesday 7:30pm

High school & youth prayer meeting for boys includes a spiritual talk and fellowship.

Arabic Bible Study - St Mark Church Sydney
3. The New Eve
Tertiary Prayer meeting girls

Thursday 7:30pm

High school & youth prayer meeting for girls includes a spiritual talk and fellowship.

The New Eve Girls Meeting - St Mark Church Sydney
4. Interstate

Serving youth that study interstate away from Sydney includes regular trips to different student centres in Queensland, conducting masses, spiritual revivals, camps & cooking for the youth.

Focus JCU | St Mark Church Sydney
1. Rockdale Raiders

Multiple Coptic Teams competing in different age groups with St. George Football Association during the soccer season.

Rockdale Raiders | St Mark Church Sydney
2. Lions Cup

Different age groups soccer days where teams compete for the Lions Cup. Details and contacts will be announced via Church Announcements before the events

Rockdale Raiders | St Mark Church Sydney
3. Basketball

Boys and Girls (8 yrs & above) Basketball training at St. Mark’s College in Wattle Grove every Thursday evening during School Terms.

Basketball | St Mark Church Sydney
4. Health & Fitness

Fitness classes on Tuesday nights 6:30pm mainly for females.

Fitness | St Mark Church Sydney
1. Agape Kitchen

Serves hot traditional Egyptian take away food for sale to the congregation from Friday night (preparation), Saturday 6am till midday and Sunday 6am till 2pm.

Agape Kitchen | St Mark Church Syd
2. 5&2 Café

Seated breakfast & lunch in our Café on Friday night 8 PM - 10:30 PM , Saturdays and Sunday till 1pm

5 & 2 Cafe | St Mark Church Sydney
3. Brunch Club

Menu of 3-4 items that are quick and convenient for the congregation to enjoy after mass like avo smash, burgers, milkshakes, and chicken salads. Every Sunday from 9:00am-11:30am.

4. Maximus and Domadius Canteen

Selling some of the major food supplies & drinks needs especially those you can’t find outside.

5. Kahk

Making cookies before Easter & Christmas to sell to the congregation.

Kahk | St Mark Church Sydney
6. Drinks

Selling drinks on Saturdays & Sundays.

Drinks | St Mark Church Sydney
7. Camps Kitchen

Cooking for offsite camps which includes shopping and preparation

8. Church VIP Functions

Managing bishops and VIP visitors to coordinate church food and venue.

9. 5&2 Take Away Coffee

Open on Sundays for take away hot drinks.

Drinks | St Mark Church Sydney
Kids Activities
1. Literacy groups

Friday Nights During School Terms 6:30pm-7:30pm

Small reading groups which sets an important foundation for primary school aged kids to read and understand the Bible and other books.

Reading Groups | St Mark Church Sydney
2. Tutoring: Academic School of Excellence

Offers classes for different ages across different subjects including UCAT and General Abilities

Tutoring | St Mark Church Sydney
3. Primary Library

Saturday & Sunday 10:30am-12:30pm

Kids can borrow spiritual books and stories of the saints to learn about God and grow their love of reading. Prizes available when they return their books!

Kids Library | St Mark Church Sydney
4. Kids Choir

Sunday 11:30am-12:30pm

Learn hymns and spiritual songs. Regular performances to the parents to keep the kids engaged.

Kids Choir | St Mark Church Sydney
5. Scouts

Every Friday night7:30pm during school terms

Under the Scouts NSW Association, St Mark’s Scouts covers all ages well into high school.

Scouts | St Mark Church
6. Feasts

Provides support, manpower and resources for feasts and other events spread out throughout the church calendar (Easter/Christmas celebrations, Holyween, Career Expo

Feasts | St Mark Church Sydney
7. Drama

Organises plays and skits for church events.

Kids Drama - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Sydney
8. Art Classes

Engage kids in art lessons during school holidays with art projects.

Scouts | St Mark Church
9. Teens Heavenly Notes

Choir focused on teen girls meeting every Sunday, 12pm back of English church.

Scouts | St Mark Church
10. Orban Choir

Special occasion choir that happens with the kids that do weekly Orban.

Scouts | St Mark Church
1. Upper Room Media

Phone app that is now a global hub for all Orthodox content including sermons, music, blogs, videos, and podcasts.
“Unlocking the Treasures of a Timeless Faith”

Sunday School - St Mark Coptic Church Sydney
2. Welcoming Group

Dedicated to ensuring everyone feels welcome and a part of the Church community

3. I.T Streaming

Provide IT support and run the live streaming of all church events.

Youtube - St Mark Coptic Church Sydney
4. St Mark's App

Church app with the purpose of providing all announcement updates, list of church events, Sunday school resources and daily spiritual content including messages from our priests for the congregation

St Mark Church Logo Press | St Mark Church
5. New Migrants / Festive Season Outreach

Dedicated to helping new migrants settle in Australia and feel they belong

6. Special Events

Church wide events to help us reach internally and externally within our community. Includes Christmas Carols and Gala Dedicated team to set the strategies and plans for the Church

7. Content and social platforms

Specialised marketing team working on the content and social strategy of the Church.

8. Hospital Visits

Focusing on visiting the broader community that are lonely in hospitals and nursing homes and provide a helping hand.

9. Catechumen Class

In depth classroom lessons for those that joined the Coptic Orthodox Church recently.

Community English Church Services
1. Women at the Well Mothers Group

Monthly Tuesday 10:30am - 12pm
@ Exodus - 57 President Ave, Kogarah

Weekly spiritual & social get together for young mums as well as a weekly prayer meeting to connect young mums. Child minding is included so please don't be shy and come with your coffee and your kids and be nourished. Alternatively the mums meet at St John's Church every second Thursday.

At The Well
2. Single Mums

Regular support and mentoring with other single mums through networking and special events.

3. Women's Group

Tuesday 7:30pm

Women 45+ network through fortnightly Bible studies as well as regular retreats and catchups.

4. Ladies Connect

Tuesday 7:30pm

Working women 25+ network through fortnightly face to face spiritual and social catchups fortnightly.

5. Men's Service

Regular social activities for men from fishing to pickles making. A chance for fellowship.

6. Young Families

Monthly meetings for young families with childminding

7. Families / Parents

Connecting all English speaking families with kids through spiritual and social events to help raise a holy family in the bosom of the church.

Families Fellowship | St Mark Church Sydney
8. Young Couples

Connecting young engaged and married couples to grow in their love for each other and the Lord through monthly social and spiritual events.

9. Living Word Bible Study

Monday 7:30pm

Weekly English in depth Bible study at the Upper Room Church.

Living Word English Bible Study | St Mark Church Sydney
1. Cleaning

Cleaning all church premises includes rubbish collection, service is 7 days a week especially weekends.

2. Maintenance

Fixing the odd jobs that don’t require a professional tradie, all handymen and women are welcome.

3. Bookshop

Saturday & Sunday 8am - 2pm

Where you can find English and Arabic books and gifts. Saturday and Sunday during Church hours.

St Mark Church Logo Press | St Mark Church
4. Buses & Shuttle

Drivers with bus licenses carry passengers to trips, camps and other events. Shuttle car service ferries people parked further out and operates every Sunday 8am-1pm

St Mark Church Logo Press | St Mark Church
5. Lockup

Servants that lockup the church and its premises late at night ensuring the safety and security of the premises.

6. St Wanas Charity

Servants focused on fundraising and driving different charity causes supporting kids in Egypt, Africa and Australia.

St Wanas Kids Charity Logo
7. Bereavement

Support to members of the congregation who lost a loved one

8. Care Advocates

Team dedicated to educating and maintaining the church grounds indoor and outdoor.

Community Arabic
1. Second Mile

Looking after elderly and sick people that cannot come to church by visiting them at hospitals and nursing homes.

Sunday School - St Mark Coptic Church Sydney
2. Anba Abraam Visitations

Servants meeting on Sunday then visiting sick people from the congregation.

3. Elderly

Over 60s services at church including Monday , Tuesday and Thursday Bible studies after the normal mass, social gatherings, events and trips. Bus can pickup from home if around St George area.

Elderly Social Support | St Mark Church
4. Families

Friday 8pm

Social and spiritual gathering for Arabic speaking families on Friday nights. Includes Shield service activities for the kids.

5. Prayer Meeting

Wednesday 7pm - 8:30pm

Spiritual prayer meeting with hymns and Agpia.

Prayer Meeting - St Mark Church Sydney
6. Bible Study

Monday 7:30pm

In-depth Bible study in Arabic.

7. Arabic Choir

Performing at church events, the choir meets every Sunday at 12pm for practice.

8. SM Centre for Church Studies

Sunday 12pm

In depth content and meeting for Arabic speakers.

1. Tasbeha

Tuesday 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Saturday 8pm - 10pm

Join the Tasbeha group to praise the Lord.

2. Deacons Arabic

Join the deacons Arabic group that learns church hymns.

3. Deacons English

Join the deacons’ English group that learns church hymns.

4. Deacons School

Focused on Sunday school kids, the school teaches both boys and girls basic hymnology.

5. Orban (Holy Bread)

Every day of the week, the church makes holy bread.

Orban | St Mark Church Sydney
6. Hymns Lessons

Any age or gender interested in learning hymns and praises of the church.