Dear All,
Please note the following 11 announcements and reminders:
1.Weekly Spiritual Message
Spiritual message of the week by Father Yacoub:
The church has started a health program every Saturday after “asheya” prayer according to this time schedule:
– 7pm to 7:45pm: Asheya prayer including short spiritual talk
– 7:45pm to 8:30pm: Guest health expert talk and questions. Topics include: healthy life style, weight control, healthy food, avoiding diseases, self-control.
This Saturday will be the 3rd of our series. The first week’s video was visited by more than 500 viewers, the second week was watched by over 1000. The topics are also related to spiritual practices like prayer, fasting, the bible, wisdom etc.
It’s interesting to know that many of our viewers are from different religions and different countries.
Advantages of our program are:
1) we have weekly sessions of sport activities and available health food.
2) many highly educated specialists are offering free services
3) power of prayers and divine blessings are supporting our goals
4) soon we will announce a website where you can send questions to receive an expert answer
5) we started compiling short motivational short talks for a healthy lifestyle through self-control. Authors of these talks are very experienced people.
It is also interesting to know that a good number of our congregation reported a successful achievement in weight control following motivational talks.
Please contact me (0409 666 111) if you are interested in this program , either to offer services or to join in a class activity.
2. Health Seminars
Please see schedule of health talks by medical experts. The next talk is on this Saturday 13 April after Vesper at 7:45pm by Dr Jason Behary.

3. Parents Meet and Greet – Years 11 and 12 – 11am Sunday 14 April

4. St Mark Bookshop Sale
Don’t miss our exclusive one-day sale at St. Mark Bookshop! Enjoy a fabulous 20% discount on all shirts and hoodies. . we’ve got something for everyone.
Hurry in to grab your favourites while stocks last! This offer is only valid for one day Sunday 14 April 2024.
So mark your calendars and join us for unbeatable savings at St. Mark Bookshop! ️

5. Mathematics Courses
For year 12 students. A 3-day math course (2unit advanced) 17th 18th and 19th April
Every day 4 hours: From 9am to 1pm
Tutor Mr Tamer Henry, very popular math tutor and manager of a successful tutoring centre.
Enrolment is a must. Send a message to Tamer on +61450016182. Donations are welcome (but not compulsory) to the church projects.
For year 10/11 students. A 3-day math course 15th 16th and 17th April
Every day 4 hours: 12 noon to 2pm then 2 30 to 4 30pm
Tutor Mr Angelo Hanna, very popular math teacher at StMary Coptic College
Enrolment is a must. Send a message to Angelo on +61420718200. Donations are welcome (but not compulsory) to the church projects.
6. Lion’s Den – Men’s Pickle Day
Does the idea of making your own pickles… pickle your fancy?
Have you ever wanted to master the art of pickling turnips and cucumbers and learning more about pickling olives, carrots, chillies or even fish?
Do not miss our mega pickling event where you will make and take home jars of pickled veggies. Lunch will also be provided – more details in the flyer below.
When: Sunday 21st April, 2024 from 2-6pm
Where: St Mary and St Mina Coptic Orthodox College Senior Campus 4-5 Alexandra Parade, Rockdale Provided: All veggies, jars etc as well as a koshari lunch.
Cost: $10
Bring: nothing… everything is provided, even a side of pickles. Just gather, talk and learn

7. In the Shadow of the Cross – Friday 26 April
“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” ( 1 Corinthians 15:22)
As we approach the culmination of our fasting journey and prepare for Passion Week, let us focus our attention on the cross of Christ, where salvation was secured for all. Come and join us on Friday, April 26th at 7:30 PM for a spiritual evening together. ” The shadow of the cross.”
Childcare service will be available starting at 7:30 PM.
Don’t miss this opportunity to dwell in the presence of our Savior, surrounded by the significance of the cross.

8. Remembrance Liturgy – Saturday 27 April
On Saturday 27th April 2024, there will be a liturgy to pray for the Lord to repose the souls of beloved members of our congregation who have gone to heaven. We will also be praying for the Lord to give comfort to those who are grieving. Following this liturgy there will be talks about coping with grief. Please register your attendance using this Google form for catering purposes and to ensure abouna mentions the name of your loved one during the liturgy:

9. Cookies for Easter
Please put your order in and let us know when you want to pick it up.
Call or send a message to Nancy on 0414 661 031 to place your order.

10. Letter from Sheridan
Please find the attached letter to the local community from our long-term neighbours – Sheridan.
11. Laurice Tanios 40th Day Commemoration
And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
With hearts full of Heaven’s comfort and with the hope of The Resurrection, the family of the beloved Laurice “Lulu” Tanios invite family, friends and loved ones to attend the Divine Liturgy in remembrance of Lulu’s pure soul, at 8:30am on Saturday, 20/04/2024, at St Mark’s Church in Arncliffe.

شعب الكنيسة المبارك،
يُرجى الاطلاع على الإعلانات التالية:
١.الرسالة الروحية الأسبوعية
يقدم رسالة هذا الأسبوع قدس أبونا يعقوب:
بدأت الكنيسة البرنامج الصحي كل يوم سبت بعد العشية على النحو التالي:
7 – 7:45 مساءً العشية وكلمة قصيرة
7:45 – 8:30 مساءً : حديث مع أحد ضيوفنا خبراء الصحة وطرح الأسئلة عليهم. تشمل الموضوعات: نمط حياة صحي، التحكم في الوزن، الأطعمة الصحية، تجنب الأمراض والتحكم في النفس.
غداً الحلقة الثالثة. قام أكثر من 500 مشاهد بمشاهدة الحلقة الأولى وأكثر من 1000 مشاهد مشاهدة الحلقة الثانية. تتعلق الموضوعات أيضاً بالممارسات الروحية مثل الصلاة والصوم والكتاب المقدس والحكمة وغيره.
مما يثير الاعجاب هو أن معظم المشاهدين من ديانات ودول مختلفة.
مميزات برنامجنا:
+ لدينا جلسات اسبوعية عن انشطة رياضية والاطعمة الصحية المتوفرة.
+ اخصائيون ذوي تعليم عالي جداً يقدمون خدمات مجانية.
+ قوة الصلاة والبركات الإلهية التي تدعم اهدافنا.
+ سنعلن قريباً عن موقع يمكنك ارسال اسئلتك عليه واستلام إجابة من خبير في المجال
+ بدأنا في تجميع محادثات قصيرة تحفيزية عن نمط الحياة الصحي من خلال ضبط النفس، مؤلفو هذه المحادثات هم أفراد ذوي خبرة كبيرة جداً.
مما يثير الاعجاب أيضاً أن عدداً ليس بقليل من شعبنا أقروا بتحقيق نجاحات في التحكم في الوزن بعد المحادثات التحفيزية.
من فضلك اتصل بي على (0409 666 111)إذا كنت تود الاشتراك في البرنامج لتقدم خدمات أو للاشتراك في الانشطة.