Sunday School at St Mark’s starts at 2 years of age with a Pre-creche class for parents and kids and progresses all the way to Year 12.

Pre-creche, Creche and Pre Kindy classes are on Saturdays after the mass while Kindy classes onwards are on Sundays, also after the mass. The classes are usually an hour- long and focus on praising as well as teaching the children Biblically, theologically, and spiritually sound Orthodox beliefs that are also practical for our day and age.

The Sunday school servants also conduct several visitations, excursions, camps or incursions (depending on the age) to foster an environment of fellowship and attachment to the Lord and the Church.

The vision is to raise men and women that will be the light and salt of the earth and our community, ambassadors of Christ, caring and loving to all around them. After Year 12, those interested join a 3 year course for Pre-Servants to enable the development of the new generation of servants inside & outside the Church.

As well as spiritual nourishment, there are many extra curricular sporting activities which are offered.